Wednesday, June 12, 2013

John 7:38

This is an excellent post by a Mr. Jim Coleman and sent to me via email recently.

By Jim Coleman

“He who believes in me…out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” -The words of Jesus Christ, John 7:38

In the summertime, for years and years, my four sons and I have gone backpacking in the High Sierras of Northern California. The hike in and up to about 10,000 feet above sea level is tough. With a heavy pack on your back, at the end of the day, after hiking about 5 hours and 7 miles, it's nice to find a place to pitch a tent and set up a camp.

Hundreds of miles of trails twist their way throughout these majestic wilderness areas. The most well known trail in the area, of course, is the John Muir Trail, and we walk along it for a portion of our hike to our favorite spot.

All of these trails have one thing in common - they almost always follow the route of a river or a stream. Walking for hours and hours carrying a heavy pack generates tremendous thirst and need for water. Backpackers rarely carry water - it's just too heavy. Fortunately, there's plenty of water along the trail as year-round glaciers melt continuously.

Since the beginning of time, humankind has always had to live near productive water sources. A river, a stream, a spring, or a well provides the life-giving water that we must have. Jesus Christ, Himself, promises you through His own words that when you believe in Him, YOUR heart becomes a source of this life-giving, life-saving living water.

So, when you believe in Him, persons all around you will see you as a source of inspiration, based deeply in the infinite wellspring of Jesus Christ. This wonderful responsibility can only be borne when your spirit is submerged - totally surrounded - by the indwelling of the blessed Holy Spirit.